Profession Tax for Advocates

This article provides information on Profession Tax payable by Legal Practitioners in Maharashtra. Are lawyers, advocates, legal practitioners etc. subject to Profession Tax? Like all other professionals, advocates are also subject to profession tax, though not many legal practitioners are even aware that there exists such a tax. This is applicable only to advocates who … Read more


Meaning To show humbly, to establish, to prove Easy way to remember Shew (pronouced show) is an archaic spelling of the word show Explanation It is commonly used in applications and petitions to a court, where the petitioner would like to humbly present the facts of the matter in his application. Although this word is … Read more

Common Court Abbreviations

Many people are not aware of the abbreviation used in the court to mark cases. Below are some of the Abbreviation which can help in determining the Case Type: W. S. =  Written Statement RAD = Rent Act Declaration Suit RAE = Rent and Eviction RAER = Rent and Eviction Revision MCOCO = Maharashtra Control of … Read more

Vacation of Courts

Do courts have vacations? Yes, as per the HIGH COURT JUDGES (SALARIES AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICES) ACT, 1954: 23-A. Vacation of High Court :- (1) Every High Court shall have a vacation or vacations for such period or periods as may, from time to time, be fixed by the President, by order notified in this behalf … Read more

RIP Mr Cartoonist

“Originally published on 23-May-2012 in livemint in an online column ‘Lawyers Day Out’ by Anish Dayal now Senior Advocate Delhi High Court” I have a friend. He is a cartoonist. He is unemployed. His tragedy is that he is born in free India. India does not employ cartoonists anymore. India has careened off the path … Read more

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