What The Supreme Court of India Said On Banning Sale of Firecrackers in Delhi/NCR Region

Fire Crackers in Mumbai

    Highlights of the Supreme Court judgement: …bursting of fire crackers is not the only cause for alarming air pollution in Delhi and NCR, but it is also acknowledged that it is one of the major causes. It is also recorded in the judgment that on bursting of these crackers during Diwali in 2016, … Read more

The number of laws violated by a typical religious procession in Mumbai

==UNDER CONSTRUCTION== Most religious processions in Mumbai, come about for either (so-called) religious or political purposes. This article lists just some of the many violations of various laws, that most of these processions perform. Air Pollution Act Noise Pollution Act https://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-10-13/mumbai/30274541_1_noise-pollution-pil-anoop-mohta Water Pollution Act Littering Cracker debris Colour Flowers, fruit peels and other religious offerings … Read more

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