What is the 7. 12. extract?
The 7. 12. extract is the extract from the Land Register of any district in Maharashtra, which gives complete information about a certain piece of land.
How did it get its name 7. 12. ?
The 7. 12. extract is named after the 2 forms that are used to collect the information for the extract:
- Village Form VII which records the details of the owner and rights
- Village Form XII which records the agricultural aspects of the land
It is also known as Saat-Baaraa Uttaaraa which in Hindi / Marathi means Seven Twelve Extract.
What does the 7. 12. extract contain?
The 7. 12. extract contains:
- Name of the owner(s)
- Type of Land: Agricultural / Non Agricultural
- Location (with respect to surrounding land, roads, water bodies etc.)
- Area
- Name of the cultivator of the land (if different from the owner)
- What crops are grown on the land
- Details of any outstanding loan
- Details of any pending litigation
- Details of tax paid / unpaid
- Easements / Access roads to the land
For what can the 7. 12. extract be used?
The 7. 12. extract can be used for various purposes like:
- Looking up the ownership of ancestral land or land in a village
- Knowing about any past disputes and the orders passed affecting the land
- Knowing about the type of activities being carried out on the land
- Knowing about the agricultural and natural aspects of the surrounding areas.
What is the difference between a Property Card and a 7. 12. Extract?
A Property Card contains details of the City Title Survey (CTS) No. or Cadastral Survey Numbers of property within the Municipal Limits of the City. It is primarily for Non-Agricultural Land.
The 7. 12. extract is similar to the Property Card but is the record of rights on the land and crops which are beyond the city survey limits. It is primarily for Agricultural Land.
What law is the 7. 12. extract governed by?
The 7. 12. extract is required to be maintained under the Maharashtra Land Revenue Record of Rights and Registers (Preparation and Maintenance) Rules, 1971 sections 3, 5, 6, 7, 29. The Rules form the procedural part of the The Maharashtra Land Revenue Code,1966.
Is the 7. 12. extract a public document? Can I see it online?
Yes. The 7. 12. extract is a public document and can be accessed online at: https://mahabhulekh.maharashtra.gov.in/
The 7. 12. extract is available for the following districts in Maharashtra
- Amravati division
Yavatmal - Konkan division
Mumbai Suburban
Thane - Aurangabad division
Parbhani - Nagpur division
Wardha - Nashik division
Nashik - Pune division
How can I find out historical records of the land and its past owners?
The historical records of the land are contained in Form 6 and you would need the Form VI Extract.
This form is a Register of Mutations, i.e. it contains a record of the historical changes to the land. This includes past owners, details of gift, inheritance, leases etc. affecting the land. This is also know as Pherphar Patra.
Important Marathi Terms used:
- Khaataa = Account
- जिल्हा Zilla = District
- तालुका Tehsil / Taluka = District Division
- गट क्रमांक Gat Kramaank = Area Number (Survey Number)
- गट क्रमांकाचा उपविभाग Up-vibhag = Sub-section
- एकूण Ekun = Total
- भूधारणा पध्दती Bhudhaarna Paddhati = Type of land
- भोगवटदाराचे नांव Bhogavatdaarache Naav = Owners Name
- शेताचे स्थानिक नांव Shetaache Sthaanik Naav = Local name of the land
- जल सिंचित Jal seenchit = Water irrigated
- अजल सिंचित Ajal seenchit = Water irrigated
- हंगाम Hangaam = Crop Season (Eg: Kharif / Rabi)
- पिकाचे नाव Pikache Naav = Name of the crop (Eg: भात Rice / Wheat
- लागवडीसाठी उपलब्ध नसलेली जमीन Laagavadisathi Uplabdh Nasleli Zamin = Land not available for cultivation
- जल सिंचनाचे साधन Jal Seenchnache Saadhan = Source of Irrigation
- शेरा Shera = Comments / Observations / Remarks
- पोटखराब Potkharaab = Uncultivable Land
- मालमत्ता Maalmattaa = Property / Asset
- अधिकार अभिलेख पत्रक Adhikaar Abhilekh Patrak = Record of Rights
- मिश्र पिका खालील क्षेत्र Mishr Pikakhalil Shetra = Area having mixed crop
- स्थावर मिळकतीचा मालक = Estate Owner
These information is basic & valuable for every land owner as well as farmer to knowing his basic rights. thanks to indian govt. and maharashtra govt.
I have online info about s.,n,529/2 n.a.plot record plz send
Nice information for common men.
Any thing on action against encroachers
Naina authority is naked rule for zone certificate of land that no one can get
So what is that?
Is zone certificate is public document?
What is the government law about zone certificate that prove that zone certificate is public document?
What does Khool land mean
This is very usefull but how do I get a mapping between CTS and the 7/12 survey number?