What is Registered Post AD? How to send Registered Post with Acknowledgement

Lawyers very often send letters or legal notices to people through Registered Post A. D. also known as RPAD or Registered Post with Acknowledgement Due or Register Acknowledgement. This article explains why Registered Post is used and how to send a letter or parcel through Registered Post. What is Registered Post with Acknowledgement Due? “Registered … Read more

2 Year LLM Syllabus Mumbai University

Syllabus for Mumbai University’s 2 Year LL.M. Post-Graduate Degree Course done after LL.B.   Eligibility for LL.M. in Mumbai University As per Ordinance 5231 of the University of Mumbai: The minimum qualification for a candidate of general category making an application for admission to the LL.M. degree course is a Second Class LL.B. degree obtained at … Read more

Interlocutory Orders in India

What is the meaning of “Interlocutory Orders”? An Interlocutory Order (also known as an Interim Order) means the decision of the Court which does not deal with the finality of the case but settles subordinate issues relating to the main subject matter which maybe necessary to decide during the pendency of the case due to the time-sensitivity … Read more

The law on speed breakers and speed humps in India

Did you know that there were laws governing speed breakers? Very few government officers and even motorists are aware of these laws and design specifications. This article attempts to explain the law on speed breakers in India. What are speed breakers? Speed Breakers are traffic management devices which use vertical deflection to slow down vehicles … Read more

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