How To View Public Documents Of A Company In India

How can I view the public documents or inspect the official records of a public or private company registered in India? The Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India now allows you to view the Public Documents and Records filed by public and private companies in India, online on the MCA website Why is … Read more

Interpretation of Statutes

Part of 3 Year Course (First Year Sem V) 5 Year Course (Third Year Sem X) Topics Introduction Rules of Statutory Interpretation Presumptions in Statutory Interpretations Maxims of Statutory Interpretations Interpretation with reference to subject matter and purpose Principles of Constitutional Interpretation General Clauses Act

Practical Training Part 2

Part of 3 Year Course (First Year Sem IX) 5 Year Course (Third Year Sem IV) Topics Public Interest Lawyering Legal Aid Para Legal Services Para Legal Training and Legal Literacy Visit to Law Office and Solicitors Firm Case Comment

Maharashtra Land Laws

Part of 3 Year Course (First Year Sem IV) 5 Year Course (Third Year Sem VIII) Topics Central Legislation Urban Land Ceiling Act 1976 (although it is repealed, it continues to remain in force in Maharashtra) *Land Acquisition Act 1940 or Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquision, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013 (depending … Read more

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