Maharashtra Land Laws

Part of

3 Year Course (First Year Sem IV)

5 Year Course (Third Year Sem VIII)


Central Legislation

  • Urban Land Ceiling Act 1976 (although it is repealed, it continues to remain in force in Maharashtra)
  • *Land Acquisition Act 1940 or Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquision, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013 (depending on OLD / NEW curriculum)
  • Indian Registration Act 1908
  • Environment Protection Act 1986

State Legislation

  • Maharashtra Land Revenue Code 1966
  • Bombay Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act 1948
  • Maharashtra Regional Town Planning Act 1969
  • MHADA Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority Act 1976
  • Developmental Control Regulations 1991 for Mumbai
  • Maharashtra Agricultural Land Ceiling Act 1961
  • Bombay Stamp Act

1 thought on “Maharashtra Land Laws”

  1. kindly let me know how to access the notes to land laws semester 8 (4th year BLS LLB)

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