Local Body Tax and myths about it

==This article is incomplete and will be completed shortly. As this topic is currently under govt. review, it may contain information which may be outdated.== This article will cover the facts and myths about the Local Body Tax (LBT) स्‍थानिक संस्‍था कर in Mumbai City / Maharashtra. What is Local Body Tax (LBT) स्‍थानिक संस्‍था कर? … Read more


What is a Vakalatnama? A Vakalatnama is a document in writing, appointing a lawyer or pleader to represent the clients matter in a court of law. ORDER III 4.(1) No pleader Shall act for any person in any Court unless he has been appointed for the purpose by such person by a document in writing signed by … Read more

Professional’s guide to enrolling for Profession Tax online

This article explains how a practicing advocate may enroll his / herself online on the website of the Profession Tax authorities in Maharashtra. This article may also be useful for Doctors, Chartered Accountants (CA), Architects, Engineers and all other persons subject to Profession Tax in Maharashtra, to enroll. Step 1: Go to the website: https://mahavat.gov.in and … Read more

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