Aide-de-Camp: The uniformed Army, Navy, Air Force Personnel standing behind the President of India or Governor

Aide de Camp ADC of the President of India

You would often have seen uniformed Army, Navy or Air Force Personnel standing behind the President of India or Governor of any State in India. Who are these people and what is their role? Are they bodyguards? They are known as Aide-de-camp or ADC. Who is an ADC or Aide-de-camp? An ADC or Aide-de-camp is … Read more

President’s Rule in India

Aide de Camp ADC of the President of India

This article deals with the Provisions of Article 356 of the Constitution of India and talks about President’s Rule in States. What is Article 356 of the Constitution of India? Art. 356: Provisions in case of failure of constitutional machinery in State(1) If the President, on receipt of report from the Governor of the State … Read more

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