20. Controller to act as repository (Omitted)

(1) The Controller shall be the repository of all Digital Signature Certificates issued under this Act. (2) The Counter shall- (a) make use of hardware, software and procedures that are secure from intrusion and misuse; (b) observe such other standards as may be prescribed by the Central Government. To ensure that the secrecy and security … Read more

19. Recognition of foreign Certifying Authorities

19. Recognition of foreign Certifying Authorities (1) Subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be specified, by regulations, the Controller may, with the previous approval of the Central Government, and by notification in the Official Gazette, recognise any Certifying Authority as a Certifying Authority for the purposes of this Act. (2) Where any Certifying … Read more

18. Functions of Controller

18. Functions of Controller The Controller may perform all or any of the following function, namely:- (a) exercising supervision over the activities of Certifying Authorities; (b) certifying public keys of the Certifying Authorities; (c) laying down the standards to be maintained by Certifying Authorities; (d) specifying the qualifications and experience which employees of the Certifying … Read more

17. Appointment of Controller and other officers

(1) The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint a Controller of Certifying Authorities for the purposes of this Act and may, also by the same or subsequent notification, appoint such number of Deputy Controllers and Assistant Controllers as it deems fit. (2) The Controller shall discharge his functions under this Act … Read more

16. Security procedure

16. Security procedure The Central Government shall, for the purpose of this Act, prescribe the security procedure having regard to commercial circumstances prevailing at the time when the procedure was used, including- (a) the nature of the transaction; (b) the level of sophistication of the parties with reference to their technological capacity; (c) the volume … Read more

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