Revenue Stamp

Revenue Stamp India

A revenue stamp is a type of adhesive label used to collect taxes or fees on various items. Also known as tax stamp or fiscal stam What are its uses? The presence of a revenue stamp being an indication that the item in question had already paid the necessary fees. Many countries of the world … Read more

What is the object / purpose of the Information Technology Act 2000?

to provide legal recognition for transactions carried out  by means  of  electronic data interchange and other means  of  electronic communication,  commonly  referred to as “electronic commerce”,  which involve   the   use  of  alternatives  to  paper-based  methods   of communication  and  storage of information, to  facilitate  electronic filing  of documents with the Government agencies and to amend the  … Read more


A precedent or authority is a legal case establishing a principle or rule that a court or other judicial body adopts when deciding subsequent cases with similar issues or facts. It is a legal principle, created by a court decision, which provides an example or authority for judges deciding similar issues later. Generally, decisions of … Read more

The Attorney General of India

About: Indian government’s chief legal advisor primary lawyer for the government in the Supreme Court of India. appointed by the President of India under Article 76(1) of the Constitution of India and holds office during the pleasure of the President. person qualified to be appointed as a Judge of the Supreme Court. Roles and Responsibilities: … Read more

Solicitor General of India

subordinate to the Attorney General of India. second law officer of the country assisted by four Additional Solicitors General for India. Unlike the Attorney General, Solicitor General does not tender legal advice to the Government of India. His workload is confined to appear in courts on behalf of the Union of India. Hierarchy Central Government: … Read more

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