This guide will help you to enroll on the Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa to become an Advocate, by providing step by step instructions on the formalities that need to be completed.
Do note that the information here is subject to change, but can help reduce a lot of time, work, money and energy.

Step 1: The Form
The enrollment form available for applying to the Bar Council, is available on their website and also at the office of the Bar Council at Enrollment Department, 2nd Floor, High Court Extension Building (Behind HSBC Bank, M G Road), Fort, Mumbai – 400032.
The exact link of the form PDF is:
Important Note: The difference between both sets of forms
- The one given online, requires you to give a DD to the Bar Coucil of Maharashtra and Goa for the amount of Rs. 5800/- but if you purchase the one at the office, the same DD amount is printed as Rs. 5450/-.
There is no clear reason as to why there is such a difference or why the online one costs more. - The form given at the office costs Rs. 300/- and includes
the Enrollment form set (On green ledger paper),
the Advocates Welfare Scheme form (on plain white paper) and
a book with the Bar Council Rules / Guidelines etc. - The online form, contains an additional form: MEMBERSHIP FORM FOR MAHARASHTRA ADVOCATE WELFARE FUND, which is not really needed at the time of enrollment and is not included in the set purchased from the office. This is probably the reason why the Online Form costs more, but there maybe a different reason.
- For the online set, all pages, except the last 2, must be printed on green ledger paper only. The last 2 (Advocates Welfare Scheme Rule 40 and Welfare Fund Membership Form) must be printed on white A4 size paper.
Step 2: Filling up the details
- A good ball point pen
- 2 stamp size photographs
- A thin permanent marker pen to sign across the photographs
- A glue stick to paste the photographs
- Write your FULL NAME exactly as it appears on your mark sheet, in the exact sequence as required on each form. Middle Name must be written.
- Your photograph must be in “uniform” which means that it must be in formal attire, preferably in a coat and tie.
- The photograph should be stamp size.
- All document copies need to be attested. Getting the attestation from your college principal is the simplest, cheapest and fastest. Else, any gazetted officer, Special Executive Officer or member of the Bar Council will do.
- You need to submit the recommendations of 2 advocate who have been in practice for more than 10 years. Dont forget to get their enrollment number and enrollment date, which will be on their Advocates ID Card.
Step 3: Adding the attachments
- 1 Demand Draft – Payable at Mumbai to the Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa (as above)
- 1 Demand Draft – Payable at Mumbai to the Bar Council of India (Rs. 150/-)
- An attested copy of your graduation Convocation Cerificate (BCom, BSc, BA)
- If you do not have your LL.B. Convocation Certificate, then you need to submit attested copies of both your final year marksheets (Sem 5/6 or Sem 9/10) and the final semester Pass Certificate issued by the University.
- An attested copy of your Birth Proof (School / College Leaving Certificate, Birth Certificate or Passport)
Step 4: Submit the application (see map below)
- The timings for enrollment are 11 a.m. to 2p.m. & 3p.m. to 4p.m. only on working days.
- 1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays are holidays too.
- Take a receipt for all payments made.
- Within 15 days your application will be processed.
- Within the next 15 days you will be intimated, regarding your application (either it will be accepted or sent to you to correct the discrepancies)
- Within 15 days you must correct the discrepancies if any.
- You will then receive, by speed post, your Bar Council ID, Enrollment Certificate, AIBE Form and Intimation Letter at the address you have specified.
Govt..retired person want to enroll as an advocate, then was different fees charge by the bar which was not elaborated in your post. Hence the information on registration is incomplete, pl do the needfull
Depending on the age of the person and depending on which year you completed LL.B. i.e. which year you were eligible to enroll, the fees are calculated from that year onwards. Hence, there is a sort of disincentive for not enrolling at that time.
The article will be updated shortly.
At present I am working with The department of post mumbai. I have been completed my LLB in the year 1997. I wish to enrollment with Bar council of maharastra and goa. After. Acceptance of resignation from the department of post. nowaday , can I join any lawer ,as a assistant till my enrollment. Hoping your valuable reply please.
Yes. Even a para-legal who has not done LLB can work with a lawyer.
I have completed . B. A. M. S. In1998 since then i am practicing as a medical practitioner. Now i have just passed. Ll. B. Final year in may2015 can i enrolled as an advocate,?, can i practice both,?
You cannot practice law if you are a medical practitioner.
माझे LL B 2006 मध्ये COMPLIT झाले आहे मला सनद हवी आहे तर मला EXAM दयावी लागेल का GUIDLINE करणे
I am a medical practitioner since last I have passed ll. b.can I have registration to bar council by surrendering my medical degree? what is the procedure for surrendering the degree ®istration to bar council. Can I re startmedical practice NY surrendering my registration to nar council
is dd of co operative bank acceptable or dd of nationalised bank is compulsory ??
I am state govt servent working at Judicial Department as Ser Cleark last 25 years.
Now I have comlited LLB in 2014 form MP State India .
I want do practis as Advocate , and also enroll my name at Maharastra & Goa bar councial
kindly guide me , what will fees for enrollment
i have retired from service and my age is 60 yrs. i have completed my 3rd llb in 2015. I would like to enrol my name in bar council of maharashtra & goa. kindly advise me the total enrolment fees payable for same
Maharashtra Goa Bar council demanding Rs.25000/- additional amount beside other regular amount of Rs7000/- approx . The total expenditure involved approx Rs. 33000/- for registration If I want to enroll my self as an advocate. My age is 59. I passed LL.B in March 2014(3 years Regular course). The other colleague got SANAD on payment of Rs.7000/- where as in my case , the Bar council demanded Rs. 33000/-. I could not understand why the discrimination . Other state Bar council are not putting such condition for registration, and their is no direction from Bar council of India. Under the situation I can not get SANAD for practice even I Passed LL.B examination in 1st Division after my retirement. pl. clarify the matter, can I make the payment in installment.
I have completed my LLB from Kashividyapeeth(U.P) and I want to proceed for enrollment. Am I eligible for enrollment in Maharashtra Bar Council??
Will appreciate you valuable guidance.
Any govt / semi employee who passed LLB EXAM AND works in Legal department can enrollment as Advocate ?
Enrollment Form Instructions:
An important piece of information has not been provided that, if a person intending to enroll has obtained any of his degree/degrees from outside Maharashtra, he shall pay, through a DD of Rs.750/- each (per degree) in favor of the “BAR COUNCIL OF MAHARASHTRA AND GOA” payable at “MUMBAI”.
I got my degree in the year 1995 .
Can I take sanad now or have I to appear for State bar council exams ?
The link to the form is not working. The page might have been removed. Please do the needful. Consulta Juris Law Associates.
Seems like the BCMG has removed many forms from their website. Probably to update them with newer versions.
I have shifted to Pune after marriage from Tripura.but this is not my permanent address. In the enrollment form there is two columns of address,one is permanent address,and the other is native address.if I fill the two columns as the same address of my native address i,e of tripura,then shall I receive my sanad at the address of Tripura,or I will be rejected? Please help to clear the confusion.
what to after name is change due to marriage and not having marriage certogically
i have passed LLB /examination from Thane VPM Bedekar Law college in 1989, I was working with an Aided Primary School as a clerical staff and have retired from the service in may 2014. I want now to enroll myself as a lawyer in the Bar Council of india please advise whether i have to appear for any examination since i have passed in Nov.1989.
I have completed 5 year law cource I have provided all documents like Bsl certificate and all results but in my sanad Certificate instead of Bsl LLB Only LLB is Written so now I want to make correction plz help
I am a retired teacher and I completed my LLB in 2015 can I eligible to enrole for sanad
I have passed LLB examination in 1993, I was working with MSPGCL and have retired from the service in Aug. 2016. I want now to enroll myself as a lawyer in the Bar Council of Maharashtra & Goa. Please advise whether I have to appear for any examination since I have passed in Apl. 1993. What will be disincentive fee charged from me for the enrollment?
I have passed LLB examination in year 2016 but due to some circumstances could’nt submit my sanad form before 18 oct 2016 , so now when can i apply for sanad form
I have passed my 3 yrs LLB the year 1982.I have retired in July 2016.Kindly guide me for the registration as an advocate in Maharashtra & Goa.
I have ll.b.passed in 96, be retired in next July ,I want to registered to get sanad, please guide
I am working in co-operative credit society ( patsanstha) as manager since last 10 years.
Now I have comlited LLB in 2014 form Dr. BAMU AURANGABAD MAHARASHTRA State India .
I want do practis as Advocate , and also want to enroll my name at Maharastra & Goa bar councial
kindly guide me , what processes should i complete regarding my service is there any remedy of affedevit pls guide me
Is it compulsory for the person enrolling in maharashtra bar council to have knowledge of Marathi?
At present I am working in BSNL (CPSE) (Govt. of India Enterprises) . I have completed my LLB degree in 2011 from Mumbai University. I want to appear for Bar Council Exam for obtaining SANAD. “Being working in semi-govt, can I appear for exam to obtained SANAD”?. Till in Job , I dont want to used for SANAD . Under such condition , can I eligible for exam and obtained SANAD and keep my SANAD suspended till in JOB.?
At present I am working in school as a librarian (Semi Govt.Aided schooll) . I will complete my LLB degree in 2018 from Mumbai University. can I appear for Bar Council Exam for obtaining SANAD. “Being working in semi-govt, can I appear for exam to obtained SANAD”?. Till in Job , I dont want to used for SANAD . Under such condition , can I eligible for exam and obtained SANAD and keep my SANAD suspended till in JOB.?
At present I am working in govt aided secondary school as a assistant teacher in Mumbai.(semi govt) . I have completed my LLB degree in 2016from Mumbai University. I want to appear for Bar Council Exam for obtaining SANAD. “Being working in semi-govt, can I appear for exam to obtained SANAD”?. Till in Job , I dont want to used for SANAD . Under such condition , can I eligible for exam and obtained SANAD and keep my SANAD suspended till in JOB.?
If BA Certificate is not availble at the time of form submit… plz give solution.. BA certificate not given by college. So we give application to college for certificate
Sir, I had passed LLB PROFESSIONAL in the year 1982 & enrolled as advocate in Maharashtra Bar in July 2017.
I have to clear AIBE or not to do practice.
Sir I am completed LLb., in Sept 2017 and got Govt. Job but not received Appointment Orders from Dept., I wish to enroll in Bar Council and after getting Appointment Orders i will intimate the Bar Council for withhold my Llb., Is this good idea. Please suggest Merits and Demerits.
Passed LL.B in 38 years ago.Now I M retired from service.Can I do practice in Highcourt Lucknow.How much I have to pay for this?
माझे LL B 1996 (Mumbai University) मध्ये झाले आहे मला सनद हवी आहे तर मला EXAM दयावी लागेल का ? Please guide. Further i was in service and retired in 2012. Whether is it essential to appear for the test conducted by AIBA? or i will get sanad by registration with bar councial of maharashtra and goa? please guide.
Chandrashekhar Wagle
Any govt / semi employee who passed LLB EXAM AND works in Legal department can enrollment as Advocate …IBPS for banking recruitment in legal department want entroll in bar council as member can we entrol if already i work with bank as an legal assistant…plz guide me
I have passed my LL.B. Degree in 1985 , now I am 60 I wish to enroll my name with Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa . Please let me know how much fee I will have to pay for enrollment.
I passed my LL.B. In the year 1987 & have served for 33 years as professor of mech. Engg. Now since I have retired I want to practice as a lawyer. Do I have to pass any exam before starting the practice?
I have completed my SSC in 1986. In the year I have cleared my B.A. from Madras Open University without doing the 12th Standard as the same was not required. In 2011 I cleared my LLB from Bombay University. Can I take Sanad from the Bar Council of Maharashtra & Goa. Is the 12th Certificate a mandatory? Please guide me?
I have complete llb and now I work tax consultants …what llb is important my profession….?
I just want to know is there is any exam for sanad? I just passed llb final exam 2017-18 and applying form for exam. I want to enroll my self in maharashtra and goa bar council. Is any exam for state bar council? In how many days i will get sanad?
I Am Completed LLb what is the DD Saned Amount ?
OBC cast Sanad DD Amount ?
I have completed LLB IN 1988….I did not take sanad before….I worked in PSU bank…now I took retirement …can I take sanad and start practice…..PL inform me procedure n condition….what are fees
Sir , i applied for licence / sanad on 18th September 2018 today 35 days have passed , but whenever call bar council of maharashtra and goa they give me one or another reason , the meeting was conducted on 3rd october 2018
kindly suggest remedial measures .
i have passes LLB from Mumbai University in 2000 and collected by Degree in 2018. Do i need to give an Exam to get my Sannad .. Please help
I wish to join the team of advocates. I have done in 2012. Is there any tests or course round to start my advocacy carreer.
Also Please advice things required to do so that soon i can join, if eligible.
Is there any relaxation for pvt Ltd employee for taking sanad. I will not practise but only as non practice can I take sanad .
Can I send form by post
मी 2018 ला ll.b परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण झालो आहे,राज्य बार काॅनसील मध्ये नोंदणी केली आहे.मला कोर्टात सराव करण्यासाठी AIBE देणे आवश्यक आहे का?
I have done my LLB in 1988 and now I am working in private company. I will be retire in the month of Feb’20. After that I would like to enroll my name in Maharashtra Bar council.
Please let me know the procedure and total expenses.
I have completed my Three Year LLB course in 2019 from Pune University. Now i have shifted to Hyderabad? Can i apply for SANAD here?
What is the procedure? And do i need to clear the exam AIBE?
I am working in a limited company i have just completed llb . can i continue my job as well as enroll my self in bar council ??
Your websit does not say anything about Rs.25000/- being extra charged to retired people / pensioners for enrolling / registering as Advocate to Bar council of Maharashtra & Goa.
is form no4 is to be submitted after on line enrolment or before bar council of kerala
I have obtained below 45% percentage in my B A degree in the year 1982. I have passed LLB degree in the year 2015. I am presently retired from government services. I have applied state Bar council to enroll me as an advocate but due to lower percentage in B A degree. Can Bar council deny enroll me as advocate????
I have passed LL.B. in 1993. I would like to practice now. Kindly revert process to get Sanad.
I have complete 3 year LLB but I have receive 2 year result so can I enrol bar council of Maharashtra & goa.