Audi Alteram Partem

Meaning Hear both the sides / Hear the other party Easy way to remember Audi = hear (as in audio / audible) Alteram = the alternative Partem =  a party or part Explanation Audi Alteram Partem is the most basic principle of Natural Justice. It means that a fair judgement can only be made or … Read more

Probate of a Will

What is a Probate? A probate is: a copy of a will which has been certified under the seal of a Court (Judge or Registrar) granting that the estate of the testator be administered by the executor or person to whom the certificate has been granted. The probate hence comprises of the copy of the … Read more

All India Bar Examination Results 2012

The results for the All India Bar Examination held on 8-Jan-2012 were declared on 15-Feb-2012. Results can be viewed by entering your AIBE Roll No. at Highest marks were 95 obtained by about 1% of the candidates.* Overall pass percentage was about 62%. * * More details in the AIBE Press Release here: Now what … Read more

Para Legal

A Paralegal means a person who is doing procedural work related to some legal matter but is not a qualified legal practitioner in that jurisdiction. A paralegal is similar to paramedics, appointed by the fire and rescue departments, who only administer first-aid, but do not prescribe medicines or carry out any major medical procedures. They do … Read more

The number of laws violated by a typical religious procession in Mumbai

==UNDER CONSTRUCTION== Most religious processions in Mumbai, come about for either (so-called) religious or political purposes. This article lists just some of the many violations of various laws, that most of these processions perform. Air Pollution Act Noise Pollution Act Water Pollution Act Littering Cracker debris Colour Flowers, fruit peels and other religious offerings … Read more

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