Indian Postal Order and eIPO for RTI Application Fees

You can now pay RTI Fees through eIPO i.e. online, without having to purchase a physical IPO from the post office. See below for more.

What is an Indian Postal Order?

An Indian Postal Order is a useful way of sending and receiving small amounts of money from / to any corner of India.

The Indian Postal Order is especially useful in making payments for an application under the Right to Information Act, to make a payment to the Authority you are seeking information from.

An Indian Postal Order can be used only for making RTI payment to a Central Government Department. For State Government Departments, see their RTI Rules. Eg: In Maharashtra, Court Fee Stamps are accepted.

This article will help you understand how to purchase, fill and submit the Postal Order, along with your RTI Application.

Where is the Indian Postal Order available for purchase?

The IPO can be purchased from any Head or Sub-Post Office in India or any post office specially authorized for this purpose. This includes Army Post Offices.

You can also search for a post office through this link:

What are the denominations available for purchase?

The IPO is available in 6 denominations. You need to pay a commission amount on the IPO’s purchased by you.

  • Rs. 0.50
  • Re. 1
  • Rs. 2
  • Rs. 5
  • Rs. 7
  • Rs. 10
  • Rs. 20
  • Rs. 50
  • Rs. 100

Commission Rates:

  • upto Rs. 10 = Re. 1
  • upto Rs. 20 = Rs. 2
  • upto Rs. 30 = Rs. 3
  • upto Rs. 40 = Rs. 4
  • upto Rs. 50 = Rs. 5
  • upto Rs. 100 = Rs. 10
RTI Applicants must check the fee amount they need to pay. It is usually Rs. 10/- per application, but you must verify the latest applicable fees.

What details are to be written on the IPO?

You need to fill in:

  • Name of the Payee (person to whom the payment is to be made)
  • Office of Payment (Post Office which is most convenient to the Payee. If not known then district, town or city maybe specified. It is not mandatory to put this in, but is useful if the IPO is lost)
Also fill in the same details on the counterfoil.
Tear the counterfoil and keep it, before you submit the IPO with the application.
For RTI Applications, if you are unaware of what details to write, leave the IPO Blank, but mention the IPO Number within your application letter.
It would also be useful to take a photocopy of the IPO, before sending.

For how long is the IPO valid?

The IPO is valid for a period of 6 months.

The 6 month period is calculated from the last date of the month in which it was issued.

Eg: If the IPO was issued on 5-Jan-2011, then it will be valid for 6 months from 31-Jan-2011.

The IPO can be renewed beyond this period of 6 months, for an additional 6 months, by paying the commission amount due on it.

How can I encash the postal order?

The IPO must be within the duration specified above, it must contain the payees name and the Post Office name.

To encash the valid postal order, it must be presented at the counter of the Post Office mentioned, by the payee himself.

Can I cancel the IPO?

Yes. You can return the IPO to the same Post Office from where it was issued. You will get a refund of the entire amount of the IPO, not the commission amount.

What is an eIPO?

17 thoughts on “Indian Postal Order and eIPO for RTI Application Fees”

  1. Indian postal order of rupees10 was not available at my post office . So i enclosed ipo of rupees 20 instead of 10rupees with my RTI. Is it ok

  2. The Indian postal order of rupees 10 is not available near of my area of post office , can I file RTI by rupees of 20 Indian postal order???

  3. नमस्कार जी
    सब पोस्ट ऑफिस Una Himachal Pradesh कचहरी में 15 दिनों से पोस्ट आर्डर खत्म है कृपया करके पोस्ट आर्डर उपलब्ध कराने की कृपा करें बार-बार चक्कर लगा रही हैं पर यही जवाब आ रहा है कि पोस्ट ऑर्डर पीछे से नहीं आ रही हैं कृपा करके हमारी गुजारिश है कि पोस्टल आर्डर डाकखाने में उपलब्ध कराने की कृपा करें

  4. my local post office employees saye that 10 rupees RTI postal order is not coming. when i ask for 20 rupees postal order he refused. he says that only 100 rupees postal order is coming. and says there is no hope coming postal order below 100 rupees. pls update mw when the postal order is available.

  5. रांची कोर्ट कम्पाउंड पोस्ट औफिस में 10₹,20₹ का पोस्टर आॅडर विगत 10महीने सै नहीं मिल रहा है जिसके कारण लोगौं को 50₹ का खरीदना पड़ता है|यह आम जनता का शोषण करने की क्या आवश्यक्ता है|जो चीज कागज पर छपने वाली है उस पर कौन अनावृरिष्टी का असर प्रता है?नहीं उपलब्द होने का कारण बताएँ|

  6. रांची कोर्ट कम्पाउंड पोस्ट औफिस में 10₹,20₹ का पोस्टर आॅडर विगत 10महीने सै नहीं मिल रहा है जिसके कारण लोगौं को 50₹ का खरीदना पड़ता है|यह आम जनता का शोषण करने की क्या आवश्यक्ता है|जो चीज कागज पर छपने वाली है उस पर कौन अनावृरिष्टी का असर प्रता है?नहीं उपलब्द होने का कारण बताएँ|
    हमने पहले कोई. टिप्पणी नहीं की है फिर भी बताएं कि क्यों नहीं मिलता है?

  7. Please mention upto what time, are the postal orders issued? I mean timings from what time yo what time are the postal orders issued?

  8. Plz sugges how can I submitted my postal order online because I have detail of my case study so that I need urgent pay for postal order plz sugges

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