Part of
3 Year Course (First Year Sem II)
5 Year Course (Third Year Sem VI)
Concept of Environment and pollution
- Constitutional Provisions regarding environmental protection
- Environmental Protection under general Laws
- Enforcing Agencies and Remedies
- Polluter pays Principle – Public liability insurance
- Precautionary Principles
- Sustainable Development
- Water Pollution Act 1974 and Air Pollution Act 1981
- Noise Pollution
- Environmental Protection Act 1986
- Bio Medical Waste
- Hazardous waste
- Environment impact assessment
- Coastal Zone Management
- Environmental audit and eco mark
- Disaster emergency preparedness
- Town and Country Planning
- Forest Act
Greenery Conservation Laws
Forest Conservation
Conservation Agencies - Wildlife Protection Act
- International Regime
Stockholm Conference
Green House effect and ozone depletion
Rio conference
UN Declaration on right to development
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