Environmental Laws

Part of

3 Year Course (First Year Sem II)

5 Year Course (Third Year Sem VI)


  1. Concept of Environment and pollution

  2. Constitutional Provisions regarding environmental protection
  3. Environmental Protection under general Laws
  4. Enforcing Agencies and Remedies
  5. Polluter pays Principle – Public liability insurance
  6. Precautionary Principles
  7. Sustainable Development
  8. Water Pollution Act 1974 and Air Pollution Act 1981
  9. Noise Pollution
  10. Environmental Protection Act 1986
  11. Bio Medical Waste
  12. Hazardous waste
  13. Environment impact assessment
  14. Coastal Zone Management
  15. Environmental audit and eco mark
  16. Disaster emergency preparedness
  17. Town and Country Planning
  18. Forest Act
    Greenery Conservation Laws
    Forest Conservation
    Conservation Agencies
  19. Wildlife Protection Act
  20. International Regime
    Stockholm Conference
    Green House effect and ozone depletion
    Rio conference
    UN Declaration on right to development


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