City Civil Court Purpose of Hearing List

Are you confused about the Status of a Case in the City Civil Court? This article explains what the case status means in the City Civil Court in Maharashtra.

    After hearing the arguments (oral submissions) from both the parties to the proceedings, Court is to fix the date for Judgement (Final Order).
    After recording of Evidence from both the parties, Court hears oral submission from both the sides in support of their respective stand. The process of hearing such oral submission is known as Argument. At the time of argument respective counsels for the parties put forth their submissions with citations to convince court on the issue in question.
  3. EVIDENCE (PH) / Evidence (Partly Heard)
    When the process of recording of evidence is initiated and matter adjourned for recording further evidence by giving next date, stage of such matter is notified as evidence (partly heard).
    When the evidence of the defence is to be secured, the state Evidence (Defence) is mentioned. In criminal matters instituted by other wise than police report, evidence is also recorded before issuance of process, the state Evidence Before Process is mentioned in such matters.
    Hearing includes recording of evidence or also hearing of arguments i.e. Oral submission by the parties.
  5. U/S 313 OF Cr.PC
    The criminal case is fixed for this purpose to record a statement of accused on the point of incriminating evidence collected against him during the course of trial.
    When notice is required to be issued to the party to proceeding at the middle stage of its progress/trial i.e. When matter is ready for effective hearing, state Notice (Ready) is given.
    When summons are required to be issued to the party to proceeding at the middle stage of its progress/trial i.e. When matter is ready for effective hearing, state Summons (Ready) is given.
    At this stage court prepares a document on the basis of which charges levelled against an accused are read over and explained to him and to which he either pleads guilty or claims a trial by denying the charges leveled against him.
    When matter becomes ready/effective to under take hearing, court use to fix date for hearing of the said matter.
    To facilitate hearing of the appeal (both civil and criminal), copies of relevant documents in the proceedings are prepared on depositing costs by the appellant or party requesting for the same. A bunch of such document is known as paper book. The work of preparation of paper book starts after the receipt of Recorded & Proceeding from trial Court and all respondents are appeared in the matter then file send to paper book section for preparation of paper book.
    When notice is required to be issued to the party to proceeding at the initial stage of its trial i.e. state notice (Unready ) is given.
    When summons are issued against party to the proceeding, matter is kept pending awaiting report of service of such summon.
  13. N.B.W.(READY)
    When Non bailable warrant is issued against accused in a case at the middle stage of the trial, i.e. When matter is ready/effective, this stage is given either for issuing such NBW or awaiting report of the same.
  14. B.W.(READY)
    When bailable warrant is issued against accused in a case at the middle stage of the trial, i.e. When matter is ready/effective, this stage is given either for issuing such BW or awaiting report of the same.
  15. N.B.W. (UNREADY)
    When Non bailable warrant is issued against accused in a case at the initial stage of the trial, i.e. When matter is unready/ineffective, this stage is given either for issuing such NBW or awaiting report of the same.
  16. B.W. (UNREADY)
    When bailable warrant is issued against accused in a case at the initial stage of the trial, i.e. When matter is unready/ineffective, this stage is given either for issuing such BW or awaiting report of the same.
    In every proceeding, parties file several documents. To curtail volume of evidence to be adduce, at this stage parties are called upon to either admit or deny the documents filed by other side. Excluding the admitted facts, issues are framed by the court. Parties are required to adduce evidence on the issues framed as per burden of proof.
    When record and proceedings of lower court is ordered to be called for, writ for the same is issued. Matter is posted awaiting Record and Proceedings of lower court..
  19. R & P (READY)
    When during the course of hearing of the matter record and proceedings from other court is called either suo moto by the court or on the request of parties,this stage is given to the proceedings either for calling such R&P or for awaiting the same.
  20. FILING OF V.P.
    When party desires to engage another advocate or advocate for party just appears and files pursis/appearance memo; and seeks time to file vakil patra, stage filing of V.P., is assigned to the matter,.APPEARANCE :
  21. FILING OF V.P. (UNREADY):- When filing of vakil patra becomes necessary at the middle stage of the proceedings/trial, this stage is given.
  22. ORDER
    In proceedings after hearing both the sides several misc. applications are to be decided by passing orders. In addition to this several consequential orders on failure to appear, failure to comply with the directions issued by courts are to be passed. Stage order is therefore fixed in such matters.
    When order is to be passed on interim application, stage order on exhibit number of such misc. application is given.
  24. FILING OF VAKILPATRA:- Pl. refer explanation of stage shown at 20 and 21 above.
    When party files misc. application seeking interim relief during the course of trial, court use to call say of other side. If at such stage matter is in ready state, this stage is known as Filing of say on Exh. (Ready).

More…..coming soon.

13 thoughts on “City Civil Court Purpose of Hearing List”

  1. this is a very enlightening information for common people who have no knowledge of court procedures,and are often not guideed properly by lawyers
    thank yu thank yu

  2. CIVIL CASE STARTED 9 MONTHS BEFORE AND Received NOTICE ONLY ONCE AT STARTING. AFTER THAT THERE IS NO ANY NOTICE and hearing date notified. NOW CASE STATUS IS AWAITING SUMMONS. Could you please with what will be next consequence we need yo face?

  3. Civil case started 10 months before and received notice only once starting.after that there is no hearing date notified awaiting warrant what the meaning of awaiting warrant

  4. The purpose of hearing says “Issues” in a district subordinate court case. What does it mean.

  5. Very useful information. I am monitoring 5 cases of cheque bouncing filed at various district Courts of Maharashtra against a trader. I need some guidance regarding expeditious disposal of the cases.

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