Roznama in an Indian Court

Roznama in Court

What is a Roznama? Roznama is the register of the daily proceedings of a court case, maintained in every Indian Court. It contains the activity in a case and also records if any orders were passed in the case. Roz = Day / Daily Nama = Name / Record / Log / Register Who maintains … Read more

The Difference In Interpretation of The Words “May” and “Shall” In Law in India

Did you know that the words “may” and “shall” could be used interchangeably? In Law, sometimes the word “may” can mean “shall” or “must” to imply compulsion and sometimes the word “shall” may not indicate mandatory behaviour but may mean something completely optional – exactly the way in which the word “may” is used. This … Read more

The Difference Between Murder and Culpable Homicide Not Amounting to Murder (Explained Visually)

Murder or Culpable Homicide endeavours to simplify the law, so that its understanding is easy. One of the ways of doing that is to teach law using visual aids, which is contrary to conventional practice. I have not seen Law books which use flowcharts or infographics to explain legal concepts or statutes. Although some law books do use … Read more

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