City Civil Court Purpose of Hearing List

Are you confused about the Status of a Case in the City Civil Court? This article explains what the case status means in the City Civil Court in Maharashtra. JUDGEMENT After hearing the arguments (oral submissions) from both the parties to the proceedings, Court is to fix the date for Judgement (Final Order). ARGUMENT After recording … Read more

Interlocutory Orders in India

What is the meaning of “Interlocutory Orders”? An Interlocutory Order (also known as an Interim Order) means the decision of the Court which does not deal with the finality of the case but settles subordinate issues relating to the main subject matter which maybe necessary to decide during the pendency of the case due to the time-sensitivity … Read more


What is a Vakalatnama? A Vakalatnama is a document in writing, appointing a lawyer or pleader to represent the clients matter in a court of law. ORDER III 4.(1) No pleader Shall act for any person in any Court unless he has been appointed for the purpose by such person by a document in writing signed by … Read more

Common Court Abbreviations

Many people are not aware of the abbreviation used in the court to mark cases. Below are some of the Abbreviation which can help in determining the Case Type: W. S. =  Written Statement RAD = Rent Act Declaration Suit RAE = Rent and Eviction RAER = Rent and Eviction Revision MCOCO = Maharashtra Control of … Read more

Vacation of Courts

Do courts have vacations? Yes, as per the HIGH COURT JUDGES (SALARIES AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICES) ACT, 1954: 23-A. Vacation of High Court :- (1) Every High Court shall have a vacation or vacations for such period or periods as may, from time to time, be fixed by the President, by order notified in this behalf … Read more

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