Filing a Caveat and Related Rules

What is a Caveat? A Caveat is a Notice given by a person, informing the Court that another person may file a suit or application against him and that the Court must give the Caveator (person filing the Caveat) a fair hearing before deciding any matter brought before it in the relevant case. As per Order XI … Read more

The Monkey selfie and why Wikipedia is wrong

This article deals with the detailed explanation on why in the case of the Monkey Selfie, Wikipedia’s stand is wrong and why the photographer David J Slater is the true author of the work uploaded on Wikipedia. The case in brief: In 2011, nature photographer David Slater travelled to Indonesia to take photographs of the … Read more

High BEST Electricity Bill? Steps to complain and what to check before that

Off late many residents in Mumbai have been complaining that the B. E. S. & T. Undertaking, which supplies electricity to Mumbai, has been sending inflated or erroneous bills to Commercial as well as Residential users. BEST has been dealing with many unnecessary and incorrect complaints of high bills due to improper advertising of the … Read more

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