Family Law Part 2

Part of 3 Year Course (First Year Sem III) 5 Year Course (Third Year Sem VII) Topics Marriage and Kinship Customary Practice and State Regulation Conversion and its effect on family Joint Family Inheritance Matrimonial Remedies Alimony and maintenance Child and the family Family and its changing pattern Settlement of spousal property Establishment of Family … Read more

Administrative Law

Part of 3 Year Course (First Year Sem II) 5 Year Course (Third Year Sem VII) Topics Evolution, Nature and Scope of Administrative Law Civil Service in India Legislative Powers of Administration Judicial Powers of Administration Judicial Control of Administrative Action Administrative Discretion Liability of Wrongs Corporations and Public Undertakings Informal Methods of Settlement of … Read more

Practical Training Part 1

Part of 3 Year Course (First Year Sem II) 5 Year Course (Third Year Sem VI) Topics Professional Ethics Advocacy for Lawyers Bar and Bench Relations The Contempt of Law and Practice Selected opinions of Disciplinary Committee of Bar Councils and Major Judgements of the Supreme Court on the subject

Consumer Protection Law

Part of 3 Year Course (First Year Sem I) 5 Year Course (Third Year Sem V) Topics Consumer movements Consumer – The Concept Unfair Trade Practices Consumer of goods Supply of essential commodities Consumer safety Commercial Services Enforcement of consumer rights

Law of Torts

Part of 3 Year Course (First Year Sem I) 5 Year Course (Third Year Sem V) Topics Introduction Definition, Nature, Scope and Objects Principles of Liability of Torts Justice in Tort Extinguishments of liability in certain situations Doctrine of sovereign immunity and its relevance in India Vicarious Liability Torts against person and personal relations Wrongs … Read more

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