Fungible FSI

Fungible FSI

What is Fungible FSI? Fungible FSI also known as Fungible Compensatory FSI allows a builder or developer to construct additional floors of a building beyond the permissible FSI or FAR based on certain conditions and payment of a certain premium. Why is it called Fungible Compensatory FSI? Mumbai has several old buildings which are due … Read more

Administrator General and Official Trustee (AGOT) in India

Administrator General and Official Trustee (AGOT) in India

What is the office of the Administrator General and Official Trustee (AGOT)? Under which law is the Administrator General and Official Trustee (AGOT) setup? the Administrator General and Official Trustee (AGOT) is governed by The Administrators-General Act, 1963 and also the various State Acts which are specially made for that purpose. To whom is the … Read more

Why Were The Bilkis Bano Convicts Not Given The Death Sentence?

Bilkis Bano Rapist and Convict - Shailesh Chimanlal Bhatt

Who were the persons convicted in the Bilkis Bano Case in Gujarat in 2002? The following 11 persons were convicted for various offences (including rape and murder) in the Bilkis Bano Case: Jaswantbhai Chaturbhai Nai, (Accused No. 1)Age in 2009 – 50 Years, Occupation: Agriculture,Residing at Singwad, Taluka – Limkheda, District – Dahod, State of … Read more

4 Ways To Get The Hash Value of Any File As Electronic Evidence for Submission In The Court

As per the new Evidence Law in India, the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023 requires every piece of Electronic Evidence to be accompanied by a Hash Value Certificate in the prescribed format, which will authenticate the veracity of a particular electronic record or file which is submitted in the court. Why is a Hash Value Certificate … Read more

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