Queens Bench Division Also King’s Bench Division, during rule of a Male Monarch.
a little logic in law
Queens Bench Division Also King’s Bench Division, during rule of a Male Monarch.
You will notice a host of new features and facilities which this website will provide you with in the near future. Lawgic is a website which provides information about the Indian Judicial System. It will contain important legal information from a laymans point of view and knowledge to gain justice and to be educated about … Read more
A Legal Maxim is an established principle or proposition. They are described as of the same strength and effect in the law as statutes. Not only, will the use of maxims be in deciding doubt and helping soundness of judgment, but, further, in gracing argument, in correcting unprofitable subtlety, and reducing the same to a … Read more
Meaning A word is known by the company it keeps. Explanation When a word is ambiguous, its meaning may be determined by reference to the rest of the statute. One of the rules of language used by the courts to help interpret legislation. Under the doctrine of “noscitur a sociis” the questionable meaning of a … Read more