Not so frequently asked questions about the All India Bar Examination

Is the All India Bar Exam tough?

Not really. It is an application based exam, which tests not only your knowledge of law, but your reasoning and comprehension skills.
Many questions have very similar answers, or may have multiple answers which are correct. But what you have to choose is the “most accurate” or “least accurate” of the answers. This checks the students ability to prioritize the answers.

It is an ideal exam for law graduates and is a welcome move, to ensure that those joining the legal fraternity have more than “bookish” knowledge.

Read the questions carefully. Most of the answers are within the question itself. Many of the questions are asking for different things Eg: Some questions want the “most accurate” answer, while some want the “least accurate” answer.

Read the study material carefully. Most of the answers are quoted exactly as in the study material.

Will I be able to finish the exam in time?

You will have ample time to finish it. Many students finish the paper 1 hour early.

Can I change an answer on the answer sheet, once I have marked it?

Cross check which answer you are marking, as once marked, the answer cannot be changed. Do not be in a hurry to mark the answer on your answer sheet.
Read the study material carefully. Most of the answers are quoted exactly as in the study material.

Do note that the answers need to be marked on a SEPARATE SHEET, NOT ON THE QUESTION PAPER.

What should I carry into the exam?

We recommend you to carry the following:

  • Your AIBE Admit Card
  • Your Bar Council ID Card
  • Water bottle to last you through the exam duration
  • A packet of biscuits or sweets incase you feel sleepy or need a sugar kick
  • A clipboard is always an added advantage
  • A blue and black pen
  • The AIBE Study Material that you receive

Is the AIBE Study Material enough? What should I take into the Exam Hall?

Yes, the AIBE Study Material has been well made, with lucid language and appropriate content. The Study Material is sufficient to get you through the AIBE exam. You do not particularly need any bare acts or text books.

Remember that the more books you take to the exam, the more information you will have to deal with when answering the questions.

How many days prior to the exam should I start studying?

Since this is an open book exam, your aim for studying through the reference material is to refresh your memory about the subject and to assist you in locating the answer in the study material.

Ideally 2 weeks of thorough study should be sufficient to let you comfortably clear the exam. If you have not studied for the exam or have opened the books a night before, then you will need to be quick at looking up the answers.

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