Filings in the Bombay High Court

What do filings include?

“Filings” includes all Plaints, Written Statements, Petitions, Memoranda of Appeals, Affidavits, Applications and proceedings filed with the Bombay High
Court registry.

What fonts should be used for submitting filings in the High Court at Bombay?

As per the Bombay High Court Rules, the fillings must be in the Times New Roman, Times, Georgia or equivalent serif font. The minimum point size should be 12 and not exceeding point size 14.

Exclamation marks, underlining and bold face should not be used, except as otherwise permitted by the Rules. Italics are permitted for quotations or for words and phrases other than in English.

What about documents with multiple pages?

All filings with multiple pages shall be stitched along the left side. No filing may exceed, in one volume, more than 300 pages (150 leaves printed on both sides).

All filings shall be double spaced; Paragraphs shall be sequentially numbered; All filings shall have continuous pagination such that each filing begins with a page number immediately following the last page of the filing filed immediately prior thereto.

All filings shall be double spaced; Paragraphs shall be sequentially numbered; All filings shall have continuous pagination such that each filing begins with a page number immediately following the last page of the filing filed immediately prior thereto.

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