Transfer of Property Act and Easements Act

Part of 3 Year Course (First Year Sem III) 5 Year Course (Third Year Sem VII) Topics Jurisprudential Controls of Property and Law relating to Transfer of Property Act 1882 (85 marks) Concept and meaning of property Kinds of Property Movable and Immovable property Tangible and Intangible Property Intellectual Property Copyrights / Patents / Designs … Read more

Family Law 1 Syllabus

Part of 3 Year Course (First Year Sem II) 5 Year Course (Third Year Sem I) Topics A. Mohammedan Law (35 marks) Sources Schools Shariat Act 1937 Marriage Dower Divorce Maintenance Legitimacy and Parentage Guardianship B. Indian Divorce Act and Christian Marriage Act (15 marks) C. Indian Succession Act (Sec 1 – 166 only) (35 marks) … Read more

Law of Crimes Syllabus

Part of 3 Year Course (First Year Sem II) 5 Year Course (Third Year Sem I) Topics A. Criminal Jurisprudence (3o marks) Administration of Justice What is administration of justice? Necessity for administration of justice Historical Background to administration of justice Difference between civil and criminal justice Elements of Criminal Liability Nature of Criminal Liability Mens Rea … Read more

Locus Standi

Meaning The legal standing of a party in connection with a certain matter in a court of law. Easy way to remember Locus = Certain Location / Specific Location Standi = Standing or Stand Explanation Locus Standi is the Legal Standing a person has with reference to a legal matter. It is the justification of … Read more

Find out your Profession Tax Number

This article will guide you on finding out your Profession Tax Number, for Paying Profession Tax in the State of Maharashtra. Step 1: Visit the website Step 2: At the bottom of the Home Page click on Know your TIN             Step 3: Enter your PAN Number in the box … Read more

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