The law on motor vehicle beacons and flashers in India

==THIS ARTICLE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION== What are beacons? What are flashers? What are sirens?   Who is authorised to use beacons / flashers / sirens on their vehicles? Red light with flasher on the top front of vehicle, while on duty anywhere in the country:- (i) President; (ii) Vice President; (iii) Prime Minister; (iv) Former President; … Read more

Environmental Laws

Part of 3 Year Course (First Year Sem II) 5 Year Course (Third Year Sem VI) Topics Concept of Environment and pollution Constitutional Provisions regarding environmental protection Environmental Protection under general Laws Enforcing Agencies and Remedies Polluter pays Principle – Public liability insurance Precautionary Principles Sustainable Development Water Pollution Act 1974 and Air Pollution Act … Read more


Part of 3 Year Course (First Year Sem IV) 5 Year Course (Third Year Sem VIII) Topics Introduction Schools of Jurisprudence Purpose of Law Sources of Law Legislation Precedents Concept of Stare Decisis Customs Juristic Writing Legal Rights Concept Kind of rights Right and Duty Corelation Persons Possession Concept Kinds of possession Ownership Concept Kinds … Read more

Legal Language, Legal Writing and General English

Part of 3 Year Course (First Year Sem I) 5 Year Course (Third Year Sem V) Topics A. Grammar Usage Brief revision of rules of grammar and punctutation B. Comprehension, Composition and Communication Skills C. Legal Maxims Salus populi suprema lex esto Rex non potest peccare audi alteram partem nemo debet esse judex in propria … Read more

Labour Laws

Part of 3 Year Course (First Year Sem I) 5 Year Course (Third Year Sem V) Topics Industrial Disputes Act 1947 (40 marks) Collective Bargaining (10 marks) Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1946 (15 marks) Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923 (15 marks) MRTU and PULP Act 1971 (20 marks)

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