Maharashtra Motor Vehicles Rules 1989 – Chapter 4


[42. Registering Authority.–

the Registering Authority shall be:–

(a) for Brihan Mumbai, the Regional Transport Officers having jurisdiction over the limits of the Mumbai Municipal Corporation limits;

(b) in the Thane region, for the Districts of Thane, Raigad, Sindhudurg and Ratnagiri the Regional Transport Officer, Thane;

(c) in the Kolhapur region, for the Districts of Kolhapur, Sangli and Satara the Regional Transport Officer, Kolhapur;

(d) in the Pune region, for the Districts of Pune and Solapur the Regional Transport Officer, Pune;

(e) in the Nashik region, for the Districts of Nashik and Ahmednagar the Regional Transport Officer, Nashik;

(f) in the Dhule region, for the Districts of Dhule, Jalgoan and Nandurbar the Regional Transport Officer, Dhule;

(g) in the Aurangabad region, for the Districts of Aurangabad, Jalna, Beed and Osmanabad the Regional Transport Officer, Aurangabad;

(h) in the Nanded region, for the Districts of Nanded, Parbhani, Latur and Hingoli the Regional Transport Officer, Nanded;

(i) in the Amravati region, for the Districts of Amravati, Buldhana, Yavatmal, Akola and Washim the Regional Transport Officer, Amravati;

(j) in the Nagpur (City) region, for the Municipal City Limits of Nagpur and Wardha District, the Regional Transport Officer, Nagpur (City);

(k) in the Nagpur (Rural) region, for the Districts of Nagpur (excluding Municipal City Limits) Gadchiroli, Chandrapur, Gondia and Bhandara the Regional Transport Officer, Nagpur (Rural).]1

43. Appellate Authorities.–

(1) The authority to hear appeals against any appellate order passed by the registering authority under Chapter IV of the Act shall be the Transport Commissioner.

(2) The authority to hear appeals against any order passed by any police officer or an Inspector of Motor Vehicles specified in Rule 52 shall be the registering authority having jurisdiction in the area.

(3) The authority to hear appeals against an order in respect of certificate of fitness under Section 56 read with Rule 45 shall be the registering authority having jurisdiction in the area, in which the order was passed.

44. Conduct and hearing of Appeals.–

(1) An appeal referred to in Rule 43 shall be preferred in duplicate in the form of a memorandum, setting forth concisely the grounds of objection to the order of the registering authority or Inspector of Motor Vehicles or the Police Officer, as the case may be, and shall be accompanied by fee of [One hundred and fifty]2 rupees in cash or stamp and a certified copy of that order. If the appeal succeeds, the Transport Commissioner Maharashtra State, or the registering authority concerned, as the case may be, may refund the fees in whole or in part, as he thinks fit.

(2) The appellate authority, after giving an opportunity to the parties to be heard and after such further enquiry, if any, as it may deem necessary, may confirm, vary or set aside the order of the registering authority or the Inspector of Motor Vehicles or the Police Officer, as the case may be, and shall make on order accordingly.

(3) Any person preferring an appeal under the provisions of Chapter IV of the Act shall be entitled to obtain a copy of any document filed with the registering authority in connection with any order against which he is preferring an appeal on the payment of a fee calculated at the rate of [fifteen]3 rupees for first page and [three]4 rupees for each additional page for each copy of document.

(4) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (3), the Transport Commissioner or the registering authority may give may person interested in appeal preferred under Chapter IV of the Act, copies of any document connected with the appeal, on payment of a fee calculated at the rate of ten rupees for the first page and two rupees for each additional page per copy of each document.

45. Issue and renewal of certificate of fitness.–

(1) Certificate of fitness shall be issued or renewed by the officer of the Motor Vehicles Department not below the rank of an Inspector of Motor Vehicles or an authorised testing station, specified by State Government under sub- section (2) of Section 56 of the Act.

(2) An application for issue or renewal of certificate of fitness shall be made in Form C.F.A. of the First Schedule to these rules to the Officer or the authorised testing station in whose jurisdiction the vehicle is normally kept.

(3) The office of the Motor Vehicles Department or the authorised testing station by whom the certificate of fitness was last renewed may endorse thereon the date, time and place appointed for the next inspection of the vehicle and the owner shall cause the vehicle to be produced accordingly before the concerned authority or any authorised testing station located in the jurisdiction of the officer endorsing the certificate, as specified by the State Government.

(4) If the owner finds that the vehicle cannot be produced for the next inspection on the date endorsed on the certificate of fitness, he shall apply to the officer of Motor Vehicles Department, not less than 15 days before the aforesaid date, for a change in the date of inspection, stating the reasons thereof. If the next date is given by the authorised testing station, the owner of the vehicle shall apply, for the change in the date of inspection stating the reasons, to an officer not below the rank of Assistant Regional Transport Officer, in whose jurisdiction the vehicles is normally kept and such Assistant Regional Transport Officer if satisfied, may specify the next date before which the vehicle should be produced for inspection before any authorised testing station in his area or jurisdiction or before him.

(5) If no date, time and place for the next inspection is endorsed on the certificate of fitness as provided for in sub-rule (3) an application for the renewal of a certificate of fitness shall be made in Form C.F.R.A. of the First Schedule to these rules, not less than one month before the date of expiry of the certificate and the owner of a vehicle in respect of which such application is made shall cause the vehicle to be produced for inspection on such date and at such time and place as the Inspector of Motor Vehicles or authorised testing station may appoint. If the owner fails to make the application and produce the vehicle for inspection on or before the date aforesaid, he shall be liable to pay the full fee prescribed under clause (c) of Section 4 in addition to the usual fee chargeable for inspection, and on payment of such fee, a new certificate of fitness may be issued to him.

(6) If, owning to mechanical break-down or other cause, a motor vehicle, after the expiry date of the certificate, remains outside the area in which the officer of the Motor Vehicles Department by whom the certificate is to be renewed has jurisdiction, the officer of the Motor Vehicles Department may, without prejudice to any penalty to which the owner or driver may have become liable, and if the vehicle in his opinion fit for use, make an endorsement in Form C.F. of the First Schedule subject to such condition as he may specify, and authorise its continued use for such time as may reasonably be necessary for the vehicle to return to the area of said officer and the vehicle may be driven to such area in accordance with such endorsement but shall not be used after return without renewal: Provided that, no authorised testing station situated out side the area of jurisdiction in which the owner should have obtained the certificate of fitness, shall issue such authorisation to any vehicle under this sub- rule.

(7) If a vehicle is damaged at any time so as to be unfit for ordinary use and may, in the opinion of any Inspector of Motor Vehicles, be safely driven at a reduced speed to a place of repairs, and if such Inspector is satisfied that it is necessary that the vehicle should be so driven, he may endorse in Form C.F. of the First Schedule and specify the time, speed and other conditions if any, subject to which the vehicle may be driven to a specified destination for thepurposes of repairs.

(8) When a certificate of fitness has been issued by a prescribed authority then the Inspector of Motor Vehicles shall be the authority for the purposes of cancellation of the certificate under sub-section (4) of Section 56:

Provided that, the certificate of fitness issued by the authorised testing station shall not be cancelled under this sub-rule by an officer below the rank of Assistant Regional Transport Officer:

Provided further that, the above proviso shall not apply to the vehicles involved in an accident.

(9) The authority mentioned in sub-rule (8) of this rule, cancelling the certificate of fitness shall give the owner or other person in charge of the vehicle, a notice in Form C.F.C. of the First Schedule to these rules, and shall along with a report of his action forward the certificate of fitness, certificate of registration and permit, if any, to the registering authority under whose direction and control he may be: Provided that, if the certificate of fitness issued by the authorised testing station is to be cancelled, an officer not below the rank of Assistant Regional Transport Officer shall send a copy of this notice to the authorised testing station by whom the certificate of fitness was issued.

After the authority has cancelled the certificate of fitness, such authority after making an endorsement of fitness, such authority after making an endorsement in Form C.F.X. of the First Schedule to these rules, specify the time and the conditions subject to which the vehicle may be driven to a specified destination for the purpose of repair.

(10) Nothing in sub-rule (8) shall debar the owner or the person in charge of the vehicle, the certificate of fitness of which has been cancelled from applying at any time for the restoration of the certificate of fitness if the vehicle has been repaired in such a manner that the provisions of the Act and the rules made thereunder are complied with. If such a vehicle is inspected and passed within fourteen days of the date of cancellation of the certificate of fitness but before the date of expiry specified in such certificate, norestoration fee shall be charged. If, however, the vehicle is brought for inspection at any later time, fresh certificate of fitness shall be required: Provided that, notwithstanding anything contained in this rule, the renewal fee in such a case shall be in addition to the usual fee as prescribed by the Central Government chargeable for inspection.

(11) While inspecting a motor vehicle, the authority or the authorised testing station shall fill in Form M.V. Ins. Of the First Schedule to these rules in duplicate, and shall, on completion of inspection deliver the original copy to the owner or his driver.

46. Loss or destruction of certificate of fitness.–

(1) If a certificate of fitness is lost or destroyed, the owner of the vehicle shall forthwith report the matter to the authority by whom the certificate was issued or last renewed and shall apply for a duplicate certificate in Form C.R.L.D. of the First Schedule to these rules with a fee as prescribed by the Central Government by rules.

(2) Upon receipt of intimation of the loss or destruction of a certificate of fitness, the authority shall furnish the owner with a duplicate copy of the duly stamped “Duplicate” in red ink.

(3) Where a duplicate certificate of fitness has been issued upon representation, that a certificate of fitness has been lost and the original certificate of fitness is afterwards found or received by the holder, the holder shall immediately return the duplicate certificate of fitness to the registering authority or the authorised testing station.

(4) Any other person finding a certificate of fitness shall deliver it to the rearest police station or nearest registering authority. The officer-in-charge of the police station, on receipt of the certificate of fitness shall immediately forward to the nearest registering authority. The registering authority shall restore the certificate of fitness to the holder of the certificate of fitness in case the duplicate certificate of fitness has not been issued and shall substitute it for the duplicate in case such a duplicate has already beenissued.

47. Torn or defaced certificate of fitness.–

(1) If at any time it appears to the registering authority or the authorised testing station that the certificate of fitness is so torn or defaced in any way as to cease to be reasonably legible, he may impound such certificate, and direct the owner to apply in Form C.R.L.D. of the First Schedule to these rule, for a duplicate certificate.

(2) Upon receipt of an application under sub-rule (1) in Form C.R.L.D. of the First Schedule to these rules together with a fee of [fifty]5 rupees, the Inspector of Motor Vehicles or the Authorised Testing Station shall issue a duplicate certificate of fitness clearly stamped “Duplicate” in red ink.

48. Temporary registration.–

(1) An application for temporary registration shall be in Form C.R. Tern. A. Of the First Schedule to these rules.

(2) A temporary certificate of registration shall be in Form C.R. Tem. of the First Schedule to these rules, and shall ordinarily be valid for a period notexceeding one month.

[Provided that, where a motor vehicle so temporarily registered is a chassis to which a body has not been attached and the same is detained in the workshop beyond the said period of one month for being fitted with a body, the said period may be extended on payment [of a fee prescribed in the Table given below]6 per calendar month or part thereof, for such further period or periods as the registering authority may allow.]7


Serial No. (1) Type of Motor Vehicle (2) Fee in Rupees (3)
1. Two Wheeler 50
2. Light Motor Vehicle 100
3. Medium goods vehicle or medium passenger motor vehicle 200
4. Heavy goods vehicle or heavy passenger motor vehicle. 300

(3) The authority granting a temporary certificate of registration shall in cases where the registration under Section 40 is proposed to be effected by another authority forward to the latter a copy of Form C.R. Tem. of the First Schedule.

(4) Any officer approved by name, of a manufacturer of motor vehicles and any officer of a State Transport Undertaking in respect of motor vehicles on the chassis whereof new bodies are built by it shall also be competent to grant a temporary certificate or registration under this rule:

Provided that, the Transport Commissioner, Maharashtra State, shall not give such approval in writing to an officer of a manufacturer unless he is satisfied that the manufacturer, manufacturers a substantial number of motor vehicles, and the vehicle is proceeding immediately on registration to a place outside the region: Provided further that, the powers conferred by this sub-rule shall not be exercised in respect of any vehicle, which is a tractor-trailer combination of a rigid frame having more than two axles, and has dimensions exceeding those prescribed in these rules, or a vehicle the unladen weight of which exceeds the laden weight limits specified for the time being under Section 115.

(5) The authority granting a temporary certificate of registration shall assign a temporary registration mark to the vehicle and the owner shall cause the said mark to be affixed to the front and rear of the vehicle in the manner prescribed by the Central Government.

9[(6) (i) The temporary registration mark shall be assigned by the registering authority as follows:–

“The registration mark shall consist of the State Code i.e., ‘MH’, followed by the code number of the registration authority and shall be followed by the temporary registration mark indicated by letters ‘T.R.’ and number running upto 3 digits e.g. temporary registration mark to be assigned by say Regional Transport Officer, Bombay (C), shall be displayed as follows:–

MH 01/T.R.-1999

After exhaustion of this series, a fresh series with alphabet ‘A’ shall start. This shall be [succeeded]10 by ‘B’ and so on except alphabets ‘I’ and ‘O’.”

(7) In case of imported vehicles brought into the State, the owner of the motor vehicle shall apply in From C.R. Tem. A of the First Schedule to the nearest registering authority along with Bill of Entry.

(8) Whenever there is an application for a temporary registration of a vehicle, it shall not be necessary to produce the vehicle before the registering authorities.

(9) The records of the prescribed authority maintained for the purpose of issue of temporary certificates of registration marks, shall be open for inspection at all reasonable time, by any police officer not below the rank of Sub-Inspector and by any officer of the Motor Vehicles department not below the rank of Inspector.

49. Failure to apply for renewal of registration of motor vehicles other than transport vehicle.–

Failure of the owner in making an application for renewal of certificate of registration under sub-section (8) of Section 41 may result in the registering authority requiring the owner to pay twenty-five rupees per calendar month or part thereof as composition fee:

Provided that the total amount payable shall not exceed one hundredrupees.

50. Exemption from payment of registration fee.–

(1) Such foreign consular officers, or such international officers, or such international organisations or associations (being bodies which in the opinion of the State Government are engaged in the development of economic resources and production capacities of the country) and their officers as may be notified by a general or special order of the Government in respect of the Motor Vehicles belonging to them.

(2) Owners of,–

(i) tractors intended to be used solely for agricultural purposes;

(ii) motors, ambulance and hearse and other motor vehicles designed and intended to be used exclusively for affording free medical and other relief;

(3) Any Government in respect of motor vehicles belonging to it shall be exempted from payment of registration fee payable under Chapter IV of the Act.

[50-A. Exemption from payment of fitness certificate fees.–

Any Government shall be exempted from payment of fitness certificate fee in respect of motor vehicles belonging to it, payable under Rule 81 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.]11

51. Loss or destruction of certificate of registration.–

(1) When a duplicate certificate of registration has been issued upon representation that a certificate of registration has been lost and the original certificate of registration is afterwards found or received by the holder, the holder shall immediately return the duplicate certificate of registration to theregistering authority.

(2) Any other person finding a certificate of registration shall deliver it to the nearest police station or nearest registering authority. The Officer-in-charge of the police station on receipt of the certificate of registration shall immediately forward it to the nearest registering authority. The registering authority shall restore the certificate of registration to the holder of the certificate of registration or substitute it for the duplicate in case such a duplicate has already been issued.

(3) If the registering authority who impounds such certificate is not the authority by whom the certificate was issued or the fresh registration mark was assigned, it shall intimate such action to the authority by whom the certificate was issued or the fresh registration make was assigned, as the case may be.

[51-A. Manner of delivery of certificate of registration.–

(a) On and from the date specified by an order issued in this behalf by Transport Commissioner, every certificate of registration issued either, fresh or renewed, duplicate thereof, or issued as a consequence of any change in the details of such certificate of registration, shall be delivered by Registered Post Acknowledgment Due (RPAD) to the owner of the motor vehicle, at the address specified on such certificate of registration,

(b) different dates may be specified for different offices for the purpose; and

(c) fee of Rs. 50 shall be recovered towards the delivery charges from the applicant per certificate of registration so delivered under sub-rule (a) above, in advance.]12

52. Authority to suspend certificate of registration and examination of Vehicles.–

(1) Any police officer not below the rank of an Inspector of Police or an Inspector of Motor Vehicles may suspend the registration of a motor vehicle under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of Section 53.

(2) Any officer of the Motor Vehicles Department, not below the rank of an Assistant Inspector of Motor Vehicles, may stop any motor vehicle, the use of which in a public place, in his opinion, is likely to constitute danger to the public and examine such vehicle on a road, or subject to the consent of the owner of the premises, or any premises where the vehicle is kept for the time being.

[53. Amount in lieu of [action]13 for failure to give timely intimation under sub-section (2) of Section 49 and sub-section (3) of Section 50.–

The amount payable by any person in lieu of action for failure to give timely intimation about [change of address and]14 transfer of ownership as required, shall be at the rate of twenty-five rupees per calendar month or part thereof by which the giving of such intimation is delayed by such person, provided that the amount so payable shall not exceed one hundred rupees.]15

54. Assignment of new registration mark.–

(1) Application for a new registration mark under sub-section (1) of Section 47 shall be in the form prescribed by the Central Government.

(2) The registering authority shall, before assigning a registration mark under sub-section(1) of Section 47 or before entering the particulars of transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle in the certificate of registration, require the owner or, as the case may be, the transferee, to produce the motor vehicle before itself or before the Inspector of Motor Vehicles, in order that the registering authority may satisfy itself that the particulars of the vehicle recorded in the certificate of registration are correct and the vehicle complies with the provisions of these rules.

(3) The owner of a motor vehicle, which is registered in one State and isbrought into or is for the time being kept in the State of Maharashtra, shall intimate to the registering authority in whose jurisdiction the vehicle is kept for use in Form F.T. of the First Schedule within seven days from the date of entry of the motor vehicle in the State.

(4) If the owner of the motor vehicle or the person in possession of the motor vehicle fails to apply for the assignment of new registration mark under sub- section (1) of Section 47 of the Act, he shall be liable to pay the amount of fifty rupees for the default for first month and twenty-five rupees for the default of subsequent months, if continued:

Provided that, the amount payable under this rule in lieu of [action under Section 177 of the Act]16, shall not exceed one hundred rupees.

(5) The registering authority assigning a new registration mark to a motor vehicle, shall be in Form R.M.I. of the First Schedule appended to these rules, and shall intimate the registering authority which originally issued the certificate of registration, that a new registration mark has been assigned to the motor vehicle and call for the records of registration of vehicle or certified copies thereof. The registering authority shall simultaneously inform the owner and the other party, if any, to an agreement of hire- urchase, specified in the note appended to the certificate of registration of such new registration mark.

[54-A. Allotment of Registration Mark.–

(1) The Registration Mark to vehicles be assigned, shall be as per the notification issued by the Central Government under sub-section (6) of Section 41 of the Act.

(2) On receipt of an application in the prescribed Form 20 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, the registering authority shall assign the registration number which falls in serial order after the last registration mark assigned subject to the provisions of the following sub-rules,–

[(i) The Registering Authority shall not inter change the assignment of registration mark from one series decided by them to another:Provided that, the Transport Commissioner may give an order in writing for such registration marks on the recommendation of the Registering Authority after the payment of fees which is three times the fees prescribed in clause (iv) of this sub-rule.

(ii) Unless a registration series of a particular class or category of vehicles is exhausted, no new registration series shall be started by the Registering Authority for the same class or category: Provided that, the Transport Commissioner may, give an order in writing to start a new series by assigning registration mark 0001, on the recommendation of the Registering Authority for which the applicant will have to pay the fee which is three times fees mentioned in clause (iv) of this sub-rule. The applicant, who desires to obtain the registration mark in this series will have to pay the fees at the rate of three times of that mentioned in clause (iv) till the exhaustion of the original series.

(iii) The Registering Authority may assign any registration series, as may be considered necessary to the vehicles of the Government. No new registration series shall be opened for Government vehicles, unless the existing registration series if exhausted: Provided that, the registration numbers mentioned in clause (iv) of this sub-rule shall be allotted to the Government vehicles only from the series reserved for the Government vehicles, and which have been allowed to fit the red or amber light on top of the vehicles, and to the vehicles used by the Head of Department, without payment of any fees. For the rest of the Government vehicles, the registration marks shall be assigned serially:

Provided further that, the Registering Authority may allot unused registration mark mentioned in clause (iv) from the exhausted motor car registration series to the motor cars belongs to the Government, which have allowed by theGovernment to fit the red or amber light on the top of the vehicle and to the vehicles used by the Head of Departments, with the prior permission, from the Transport Commissioner in individual case, without payment of any fees.

(iv) The Registering Authority shall reserve a registration mark to the owner of a motor vehicle of his choice from amongst the registration mark on payment of fees as specified below, namely:–

Serial No.(1) Registration Number (2) Other than two and three wheelers and transport vehicles (3) Two and three wheelers and transport vehicles (4)
1 1 100000 25000
2 9, 99, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 786, 888, 999, 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555, 6666, 7777, 8888, 9999 50,000 10,000
3 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 100, 123, 234, 345, 456, 500, 505, 678, 900, 1000, 1234, 1515, 1818, 2345, 2525, 2727, 3456, 3636, 4545, 4567, 5000, 5454, 5678, 6363, 6789, 7272, 8181, 9000, 9090. 25,000 5,000
4 88, 101, 200, 202, 300, 303, 400, 404, 567, 600, and 606, 700, 800, 808, 909, 1001, 1010, 1011, 1112, 1212, 1213, 1221, 1313, 1314, 1331, 1414, 1415, 1516, 1616, 1617, 1717, 1718, 1819, 1919, 1920, 2000, 2020, 2021, 2121, 2323, 2324, 2424, 2425, 2526, 2627, 2728, 2828, 2829, 2929, 3233, 3434, 3435, 3535, 3536, 3737, 3738, 3838, 3839, 3939, 3940, 4000, 4040, 4041, 4141, 4142, 4242, 4243, 4343, 4344, 4546, 4646, 4647, 4747, 4748, 4848, 4849, 4949, 5005, 5050, 5051, 5151, 5152, 5252, 5253, 5353, 5455, 5656, 5657, 5757, 5758, 5858, 5859, 5959, 5960, 5995, 6000, 6060, 6061, 6161, 6162, 6262, 6263, 6364, 6465, 6565, 6566, 6767, 6768, 6868, 6869, 6969, 6970, 7000, 7007, 7070, 7071, 7171, 7172, 7273, 7373, 7374, 7474, 7475, 7575, 7576, 7676, 7677, 7878, 7879, 7979, 7080, 8000, 8008, 8080, 8081, 8182, 8282, 8283, 8383, 8384, 8484, 8485, 8585, 8586, 8686, 8687, 8787, 8788, 8989, 8990, 9091,9191, 9192, 9292, 9293, 9393, 9394, 9494, 9495, 9595, 9596, 9696, 9697, 9797, 9798, 9898. 7,500 4,000
5 Additional charge for any number. More than 1000 from the last serial number 5,000 3,000
6 Additional charge for any number than is a non- serial number i.e. jumping number upto 1000. 3,000 2,000

(v) The registration numbers once reserved shall not be transferable and shall be allotted strictly on the principle of First Come First Basis. (vi) The number reserved shall be allotted on production of a vehicle along with the application in Form 20 of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989. The reservation of the registration number shall be cancelled if the vehicle is not produced within 30 days from the date of reserving the registration number and the number so cancelled can be allotted to any other person by registering authority who makes an application along with the fees prescribed [under sub-rule (iv) of this rule]17.

[(3) If a owner prefers to remain a Registration Mark assigned under sub-section (6) of Section 41 of the Act, after the sale or scrapping of that vehicle, he can retain the original registration mark to the new vehicle, purchased by him on payment of fee prescribed under clause (4) of sub-rule (2). The new Registration Mark will be assigned to the original vehicle purchased by the new owner.]18 ]19

55. Exemption of road plant.–

Nothing contained in Chapter IV of the Act, shall apply to road rollers, gradersand other vehicles designed and used solely for the construction, repair and cleaning of roads.

56. Supply of copies of particulars of registration.–

A registering authority may, in his discretion supply copies of the particulars of any motor vehicle registered in the records maintained by him to any person who may apply for the same.

[For every such copy in respect of each vehicle involved in an accident, a fee of rupees twenty shall be charged, and in respect of each vehicle in any other case a fee of rupees fifty]20 shall be charged: Provided that, the State Government may, if it is of opinion that it is in the public interest so to do, by general or special order,–

(a) exempt any Government Department, Local Authorities, Associations, or bodies of individuals from payment of the fee chargeable under this rule; or

(b) reduce the fee payable by any such departments, local authorities, associations or bodies of individuals to such extent as may be specified in the order.

57. Notice of alteration of motor vehicle under sub-section (1) of Section 52.–

(1) The notice by the owner of a motor vehicle to the registering authority in accordance with sub-section (1) of Section 52 shall be in Form B.T.I. of the First Schedule to these rules.

(2) The registering authority may, on receipt of such notice require the owner of a motor vehicle to produce the certificate of registration in respect of the vehicle before him or his nominee, within seven days from the date on which such requisition was made, for the purpose of the revision of the entries therein.

58. Intimation regarding stolen or recovered motor vehicles.–

(1) An officer-in-charge of the police station where the theft of a motor vehicle is reported by the owner or any other person in possession of the vehicle, shall, immediately after the registration of an offence send intimation to the State Transport Authority, Maharashtra State or the officer authorised by the State Transport Authority in Form M.V.T. of the First Schedule and send a copy thereof to the registering authority where the vehicle is registered.

(2) If the police station mentioned in sub-rule (1) is located in the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Police, Bombay, the Police Officer shall also simultaneously send one copy of intimation of Form M.V.T. to all other registering authorities located in Greater Bombay.

(3) On receipt of this intimation under sub-rule (1), the Transport Commissioner, shall inform all the registering authorities the details of the stolen vehicle in Form M.V.T.R. of the First Schedule.

(4) The Transport Commissioner shall also maintain a register of stolen vehicles in Form M.V.T. Reg. (T) of the First Schedule.

(5) The registering authorities shall maintain the register of stolen vehicles in Form M.V.T. Reg. (R) on the basis of the intimation received from the Transport Commissioner or from the Police Officer, as the case may be.

(6) If the vehicle reported to be stolen is recovered, the police station which has recovered the vehicle shall intimate the fact in Form M.V.T. to the State Transport Authority and the relevant registering authority.

(7) Upon receipt of intimation under sub-rule (6), the Transport Commissioner and the registering authority shall take a note of such recovery in the register maintained in Forms prescribed under sub-rules (4) and (5).

59. Maintenance of State Registers of Motor Vehicles.–

(1) The Registering Authorities shall maintain a State Register of motor vehicles in such Form prescribed by the Central Government.

(2) This register may be either in bound book form or on computer disc or tape. (3) As soon as the vehicle is registered, the necessary entries shall be taken up or entered in the State Register of motor vehicles.

(4) The State Register for motor vehicles shall be maintained according to the class of the vehicle that is to say, transport non-transport and also if the registration of all types of vehicles is in large number according to the detail classification of the vehicles that is, to say two wheeler, cars, goods carrier, tractors, etc. as decided by the registering authority.

1Rule 42 was substituted by G.N. of 8.1.2008, Sec. 4.

2Substituted by G.N.H.D. No. MVR 0298/1531/CR-91/TRA-2 dated 30.7.1999.

3Substituted by G.N.H.D. No. MVR 0298/1531/CR-91/TRA-2 dated 30.7.1999.

4Substituted by G.N.H.D. No. MVR 0298/1531/CR-91/TRA-2 dated 30.7.1999.

5Substituted by G.N.H.D. MVR 0298/1531/CR-91/TRA-2 dated 30.7.1999.

6These words were substituted for the words “by the owner a fee of rupees fifteen” by G.N. of

27.9.2007, Sec. 2(a).

7Proviso was added by G.N.H.D. No. MVR 0189/CR-1043/TRA-2, dated 6.7.1991, M.G.G., Pt. IV-A Ex.

1991 p. 405.

8Table was added by G.N. of 27.9.2007, Sec. 2(b).

9Substituted by G.N.H.D. No. MVR 0189/CR-1043/TRA dated 6.7.1991 M.G.G. Pt. IV-A Ex. 1991 p.


10This word was substituted by corrigendum No. MVR 0189/CR-1043/TRA-2, Dated 2.11.1992.

11Rule [50-A] was Substituted by corrigendum No. MVR 0189/CR- 1043/TRA-2, dated 2.11.1992

(M.G.G., Pt. IV-A, p. 942.

12Rule 51-A was inserted by G.N. H.D. No. MVR 0110/06/CR-16/TRA- 2, dated 8.10.2010.

13This word was Substituted for the word “section” by corrigendum No. MVR 0189/CR-1043/TRA-2,

Dated 2.11.1992.

14These words were inserted by G.N., H.D. No. MVR-0189/CR-1043/TRA-2, dated 6.7.1991 (M.G.G.,

Pt. IV-A, p. 405.

15Substituted by G.N. No. MVR-0189/CR-1043/TRA-2, dated 6th July, 1991 M.G.G., Pt. IV-A, Ex.,

1991, p. 405.

16For the words and figures “action under Section 117 of the Act”, these words were subs, by G.N.

No. MVR 0189/CR-1043/TRA-2, dated 6th July, 1991 M.G.G., Pt. IV-A 1994 Ex. p. 405.

17These words were substituted for the words “under sub-rule (iii)” by G.N. of 12.12.2007.

18Sub-rule (3) was added by G.N. H.D. No. MVR 0408/872/CR-212/TRA-2, dated 13.9.2010.

19Rule ’54-A’ was added by G.N. No. MVA 0199/28/CR-2/TRA-2, dated 20.4.1999 M.G.G., Pt. IV-A p.


20These words were substituted for the words “For every such copy in respect of ten or less number of

vehicles, a fee of rupees twenty” by G.N. of 10.3.2011.

2 thoughts on “Maharashtra Motor Vehicles Rules 1989 – Chapter 4”

  1. I am trying to search for First schedule appended to these rules (MMV 1989) however I cant find them.

    Can you please help me with the same?

    Thanks and regards

  2. i have a vehicle which is registered in other state and frequently travel to my home state.
    so as per sec 47 of the motor vehicle act do I need to transfer the vehicle or not please confirm

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