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The number of laws violated by a typical religious procession in Mumbai


Most religious processions in Mumbai, come about for either (so-called) religious or political purposes. This article lists just some of the many violations of various laws, that most of these processions perform.

  1. Air Pollution Act
  2. Noise Pollution Act
  3. Water Pollution Act
  4. Littering
    Cracker debris
    Flowers, fruit peels and other religious offerings being discarded
  5. Cruelty to animals
  6. Traffic Violations:
    Carrying persons on foot-board 123 177 MVA: Fine Rs. 100
    Carrying persons causing obstruction to the driver 125 177 MVA: Fine Rs. 100
    Carrying persons dangerously or carrying persons in goods vehicles MMVR 108 177 MVA Fine Rs. 100
  7. Child Abuse
  8. Child Labour
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