
Putting images or information graphics into law books

Why don’t law books around the world, have images or information graphics in them?

Possible reasons why law books don’t have images (as per common perceptions):

What are the benefits of having images or info graphics in law books?

It is often said that “a picture speaks a thousand words”, hence a picture can allow a reader to absorb larger amounts of information faster by conveying a complex statement into a simple image.

As the famous latin maxim goes – “Ignorantia juris non excusat” – ignorance of the law is not excused by the judiciary.  The common man is always dependent on more educated people to know and understand the law.

In a country like India with over 1,221 laws (as of May 2010), it is almost impossible for a lawyer or judge to know even a gist of every law, so the layman who has had no legal education, is in a totally helpless state.

Images help the layman also understand law, making it widely known and help in implementation of the law.

Commonly known benefits of images in a law book:

Watch this space for an example of putting images into law books.

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